Ministry Teams

Find out about our ministry teams and sign up to serve the upcoming year.

FBC Rayville Ministry Teams

Please click the button bellow and sign up to serve on our Ministry Teams. (You may sign up to serve on multiple teams)

Ministry Team Descriptions

Baptism Ministry Team - Helps ministers and members during baptism.

Benevolence Ministry Team - Handles request for help from the community.

Bus Ministry Team - Helps with policies and maintenance of the church bus.

Care & Share Ministry Team - Volunteer to help serve at Care and Share.

Coffee/Donut Ministry Team - Makes coffee and delivers donuts for Sunday school.

Crochet Ministry Team - Join a group of ladies on Mondays at 1:00 in the WMU to make items for shut-in's and orphans.

Decorating Ministry Team - Helps decorate the sanctuary for Christmas and/or other holidays.

Flower Ministry Team - Ensures that flowers are placed in the sanctuary for church services.

Greeter Ministry Team - Greet people arriving to worship and assist with seating as needed.

Hospitality Ministry Team - Helps plan and prepare for church wide meals/fellowships and provides and serves meals to families during the loss of a loved one.

Livestream Ministry Team - Operates a camera for our livestream. (No experience or special knowledge required)

Lord's Supper Ministry Team - Prepares elements for the Lord's supper and picks up discarded cups afterwards.

Media Ministry Team - Operates the screens and/or sound board during Sunday services and/or Celebrate Recovery. (No experience or special knowledge required)

Men's Ministry Team - Helps plan and coordinate events/activities for Men.

Nursery Ministry Team - Helps with matters relating to nursery policies and/or staffing.

Refresh 11:25 Ministry Team - Help deliver meals (on a monthly rotation) to shut-in's on Wednesday nights.

Senior Adult Ministry Team - Helps plan and coordinate events/activities for Senior Adults.

Wednesday Night Supper Ministry Team - Plans and prepares meals for our Wednesday night activities and the Refresh 11:25 ministry.

Women's Ministry Team - Helps plan and coordinate events/activities for Women.

2nd Helpings Ministry Team - Helps prepare and/or deliver meals for shut-in's on the 2nd Saturday of each month.