Sign up for our weekly updates sent out each Wednesday @ 10:10 by texting "fbcr" to 94000.
- We would like to welcome Stephen Kessler. Stephen will be joining our staff as our new Student Pastor!
- September Operation Christmas child items are colored pencils, pencils sharpeners, and erasers. You may drop off items in the drop boxes or have them shipped straight to the office.
NEW Women's Group | Table talk:
Gather around the table for a meal and conversation about God.
Ladies, join us every third Tuesday in the WMU for “Table Talk.” This is a new opportunity for women to gather together and have “round table” conversations about everyday topics and challenges. We will have a potluck style meal at 6:00 followed by small table discussions led by Alisha Clark. We will wrap up by 7:30. We can’t wait to hang out, share good food, great conversation and laugh a lot.
Our first “TABLE TALK” will be September 17th. Our theme this month is RESET: the changing seasons in life and how to stay grounded in God through them.
Upcoming Events:
09/04 | Wednesday Night Activities
5:00 | Wednesday Night Supper (Pork Loin, cheesy mashed potatoes, Broccoli Salad, Roll, and Bread Pudding)
5:45 - 7:00 | Children, Youth, and Adult Bible Studies
Mrs. Susan's Wednesday Night Bible Study for Ladies Begins | Click here for more info
09/05 @ 6am | Men's Bible Study | Join us for Bible Study and Coffee in the Gym!
09/05 | Celebrate Recovery
5:30 | Meal
6:30 | Worship
09/08 | Sunday Worship
9:00 | Worship
10:15 | Sunday School
09/08 | Mr. Barry Collins Sunday Night Bible Study Begins
09/15 | Operation Christmas Child Prayer Breakfast
Join us at 8am in the gym to hear a special message about OCC!
09/17 | Table Talk (For Ladies)
6:00 | Potluck style meal followed by conversations about everyday topics and challenges, led by Alisha Clark.
09/22 | LA Baptist Children's Home Fall Food Round up
Click Here for a list of needs
9/22 | Dry bones Men's Conference | purchase tickets here
09/22 | Church Membership Class